Tolltariffkoder 2024
Oppdatert tolltariffkoder for fisk og fiskeprodukter til EU 2024
Norway has notified following authorities to the Commision in accordance with Article 20(1) of the IUU Regulation.
Point 1, 2: - Directorate of Fisheries
Point 3: - Norges Sildesalgslag, Norges Råfisklag, Sunnmøre og Romsdal Fiskesalgslag, Vest-Norges Fiskesalgslag and Fiskehav
This internet site will issue and validate catch certificates for fishery products exported from Norway to the European community under Articles 12 (4) and 20 (4) of council Regulation EC 1005/2008 and the Commission Regultion laying down the detailed rules for the implementation of the same Regulation to replace the European community catch certificate.
Documents referred to in Article 14 (1) and (2) of council Regulation 1005/2008 will also be issued and validated on this site.
Point 4: - Directorate of Fisheries
- The Norwegian coastquard
- The Police and the Public Prosecuting Authority
Point 5: - Directorate of Fisheries
The verification of catch certificates to assist the competent authorities of Member States through the administrave cooperation referred to in Article 20 (4).
Contact email: [email protected]
Point 7: - Directorate of Fisheries
Information on states and their competent authorities notified under Article 20 (1) and (2):
Funksjonaliteten i portalen fortsetter som før.
Unntak for catch certificate / fangstsertifikat - Regulation (EC) No 1005/2008 Annex 1
Oppdatert tolltariffkoder for fisk og fiskeprodukter til EU 2023
Tolltariffkoder for fisk - og fiskeprodukter til EU 2022
Fra oktober 2021 kan det utstede signerte og validerte fangstsertifikater for forsendelser til USA.
Det legges opp til en prosess der systemet i første omgang tas i bruk som en frivillig forsøksordning